Whoop goes the puffer

Publication Name : Swerved Solutions

Published Date : Sun, 03-Mar-2024

Category Name : Children Books - Animals

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Book Specification And Summary

Whoop goes the puffer

Join Sammy the pufferfish as he embarks on an underwater adventure in "Whoop goes the pufferfish!" Follow Sammy as he navigates through the vibrant coral reef, making new friends along the way. But watch out, when Sammy gets scared or excited, he puffs up into a big round ball! Will Sammy learn to control his puffs and make it through his journey unscathed? Find out in this charming tale of bravery and friendship under the sea.

Title Whoop goes the puffer
Author Swerved Solutions
Publisher Swerved Solutions
Edition 1st
No. of page 0

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